Lesser Elemental Spirit

(Generated 6 times)
Namelist None
Rank Rabble
Race Spirit
Cult rank None
Notes Spirit abilities 1d3 + Intensity above 1
INT 1d6
POW 1d6+6
CHA 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Spirit Ability Healing - The spirit is able to cure the effects of disease, if its Intensity is sufficient to counter the condition (see Disease Ability, page 143). It also permits recovery of Minor, Serious and Major Wounds (although they are unable to replace lost limbs), by sacrificing 1 Magic Point per Hit Point healed.
Spirit Ability Curse - The spirit can lower one Attribute or Skill of a victim it passively or covertly possesses. The amount reduced depends on the Intensity of the spirit and the specific type of curse. See page 143
Spirit Ability Autonomy -Spirit has the ability to venture beyond the normal distance limits of a binding or its summoner’s aura of influence. This allows the fetch to act as an independent scout or messenger.
Spirit Ability Bless - The spirit can boost one Attribute or Skill of whomever controls it. The amount increased depends on the Intensity of the spirit, and the specific type of blessing (see Curse Spirit Effects table for associated costs pg 143), but no Attribute or Skill may be boosted beyond double its original value.

Standard skills

Spectral combat POW+CHA+50 Willpower POW+POW+50