Drunk and Irate

(Generated 36 times)
Namelist Saxon males (View names)
Rank Novice
Race Single Hit Location Creature
Cult rank None
Notes D6 level of drunkenness: 1:Buzzed: no modifier 2-3:Drunk:all rolls are -1 shift 4-5:Wasted:all rolls are -2 shifts 6:Hammered: all rolls are -3 shifts Headbutt: If the blow hits the head both combatants have to resist vs stun loc., attacker gain 1 step advantage to endurance and is unopposed, also can stagger (1 metre) attacker and/or defender if they fail) A few would also carry various 1-handed implements, such as clubs, axes, and knives, but would hesitate to use them, unless the characters resort to lethal force.
STR 3d5 + 3
CON 3d5 + 3
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d6
INT 2d6+3
POW 2d6+3
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-20 Back 1
Movement 30'
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Combat Style Trait- Unarmed ***Body Slam*** After taking a turn of movement, you can engage an opponent with a crashing blow with your arm or shoulder. Make an opposed Athletics roll versus the defender’s Brawn or Evade. If you win, then the defender is automatically knocked down with you astride them. He suffers his own Damage Modifier (if any) in damage to a random location from the fall. If your Athletics fails, the defender has weathered or sidestepped the impact. If you win one or more levels of success you may select suitable Special Effects as per normal combat (Bash and Flurry are both popular). Mythic Constantinople

Standard skills

Athletics STR+8d6+10 Conceal DEX+8d6 Endurance CON+CON+CON+CON+CON
Evade DEX+DEX+5d10 First Aid INT+6d6 Perception POW+7d6+10
Stealth DEX+6d6+10 Unarmed STR+8d6+10 Willpower POW+POW+POW+POW+POW

Professional skills

Survival POW+9d6 Track POW+9d6

Custom skills

Gaming POW+8d6

Combat styles


Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Kick (2000)
Fist (2000)
Headbutt (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Kick 1h-melee 1d4 S S - Bash, Stun N Y 0 0
Fist 1h-melee 1d3 S T - Grip, Stun, Take Weapon N Y 0 0
Headbutt 1h-melee 1d3 S T - See above N Y 0 0