Atares (Yu-Ma)
(Generated 6 times)
Namelist | Polynesian (View names) |
Tags | |
Rank | Novice |
Race | Frogman |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Raça de corpo alto e gordo, com pele ranhosa e anfíbia. Seu odor é bem forte, como de canela. São semelhantes a lesmas. |
Creator | DioBranco |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Chaotic feature | Slimy - Cannot be grappled or gripped in close combat. The creature leaves a sticky mucus trail wherever it travels. |
Ability | ***Amphibious*** Can breathe both underwater and on dry land |
Ability | ***Cold-blooded*** One meal a week. Below 15C Strike Rank -6, - 1 AP per round. Below 5C catatonic. |
Ability | ***Swimmer*** Automatically succeeds in everyday moving and manoeuvring whilst swimming unless attempting an unusually difficult task. May substitute the Swim skill for Athletics and Evade rolls whilst in water (Mythras Core 214-218) |
Standard skills
Combat styles
STR+DEX+40 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount:
2-handed weaponsAmount: |
Ranged weaponsAmount: |
ShieldsAmount: |