Saurian Shaman Template

(Generated 12 times)
Namelist Glorantha - Dragonkin (View names)
Rank Skilled
Race Lizardman
Cult rank None
Notes These warm-blooded, bipedal raptor types were created by a long-dead hi-tech civilization some 1800 years ago. They can be found in desolate areas like wastelands, marshes, and the like, but rarely deserts. Females are 3 points smaller in STR and SIZ. (Males stand about 190 cm and mass about 100 kg; females are correspondingly smaller.) Their culture level varies from Nomadic to Barbarian; their spiritual practices usually shamanistic. Their scaly hide gives them 2-pt armour all over.
STR 2d6+12
CON 2d6+9
SIZ 2d6+12
DEX 3d6+6
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 tail 2
04-05 Right leg 2
06-07 Left leg 2
08-10 Abdomen 2
11-14 Chest 2
15-16 Right arm 2
17-18 Left arm 2
19-20 Head 2
Movement 6
Natural armor Yes


Amount: 1
Adept of Marsh and Mist 2
Snake Spirit Society - Shaman 1

Non-random features

Appearance - Physique Athletic
Appearance - Teeth protruding
Appearance - Eyes Light Brown
Appearance - Fingernails claw-like

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+20 Boating STR+CON+20 Brawn STR+SIZ+20
Endurance CON+CON+20 Evade DEX+DEX+20 Locale INT+INT+20
Perception INT+POW+25 Stealth DEX+INT+20 Swim STR+CON+20
Unarmed STR+DEX+20 Willpower POW+POW+20

Magic skills

Binding POW+CHA+25 Devotion POW+CHA+25 Exhort INT+CHA+25
Folk Magic POW+CHA+20 Invocation INT+CHA+25 Meditation INT+CON+25
Mysticism POW+CON+25 Shaping INT+POW+25 Trance POW+CON+25

Professional skills

Acting CHA+CHA+25 Healing INT+POW+25 Oratory POW+CHA+25
Sleight DEX+CHA+25 Survival CON+POW+25 Teach INT+CHA+25
Track INT+CON+25

Combat styles

Saurid Shaman Fighting StyleSTR+DEX+10

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 2
Club (1)
Dagger (1)
Shortspear (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Quarterstaff (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Blowgun (1)
Javelin (1)
Short Bow (2)
Sling (3)


Amount: 0

Folk spells

Amount: 2D6+8
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Alarm 1 Appraise 1 Avert 1 Babble 1
Beastcall 1 Befuddle 1 Bladesharp 1 Bludgeon 2
Breath 1 Bypass 1 Calculate 1 Calm 1
Chill 1 Cleanse 1 Cool 1 Coordination 1
Curse 1 Darkness 1 Deflect 1 Demoralise 1
Dishevel 1 Disruption 1 Dry 1 Dullblade 1
Extinguish 1 Fanaticism 1 Find 1 Firearrow 1
Fireblade 1 Frostbite 1 Glamour 1 Glue 1
Heal 1 Heat 1 Ignite 1 Incognito 1
Ironhand 1 Knock 1 Light 1 Lock 1
Magnify 1 Might 1 Mimic 1 Mindspeech 1
Mobility 1 Pathway 1 Perfume 1 Pet 1
Phantasm 1 Pierce 1 Polish 1 Preserve 1
Protection 1 Repair 1 Repugnance 1 Shock 1
Shove 1 Sleep 1 Speedart 1 Spiritshield 1
Tidy 1 Tire 1 Translate 1 Tune 1
Ventriloquism 1 Vigour 1 Voice 1 Warmth 1
Witchsight 1 Spellshield 1