Legion Prime in Caterpillar form

(Generated 8 times)
Namelist None
Monster island
Rank Skilled
Race Olgoi (Jolt Worm)
Cult rank None
Notes In this form Legion resembles a large caterpillar. It is roughly a foot in length and covered in a gelatinous mucous. When a viable host approaches, it launches itself into its victim's abdomen, where it travels to the brain. The process is very traumatic and because of this, the host is likely to wake up with no memory of the event. This form acts as the primary part of the collective known as Legion, allowing it movement, speech, and the ability to reproduce. Source: Seasons of the Dead
STR 1d6+8
CON 2d6+6
SIZ 1d3+3
DEX 2d6+3
INT 2d6+1
POW 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Tail Tip 0
04-05 Mid End-length 0
06-07 Fore End-length 0
08-09 Rear Mid-length 0
10-12 Mid Mid-length 0
13-14 Fore Mid-length 0
15-16 Rear Fore-length 0
17-18 Mid Fore-length 0
19-20 Head 0
Movement 4m
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Camouflaged*** Attempts to spot suffer a penalty to Perception of two difficulty grades.
Ability ***Adhering*** Can move on vertical surfaces and even on a ceiling at half normal Movement rate.
Ability ***Communal Mind*** Though a single creature of this type has only a low INT, a large group of them together possess a vastly improved intellect, poten- tially achieving sapience.
Ability ***Dominant Possession*** The adversary will attempt to brutally take over a character's mind or body. The character's INT, POW, and CHA are pushed into the depths of the character's mind to be replaced by the dominating adversary's. The character may know what is going on while the adversary is in control, but they can do nothing to stop it. The possessing adversary does not have any of the character's memories, skills, or abilities.
Ability ***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+4D10 Brawn STR+SIZ+4D10 Endurance CON+CON+2D10
Evade DEX+DEX+6D10 Perception INT+POW+30+4D10 Stealth DEX+INT+30+4D10
Willpower POW+POW+5D10

Combat styles

Unpleasant Assimilation (Touch)STR+DEX+20+4D10

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Touch (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Touch 1h-melee 1d4 S T - Special Y N 0 4