Selkie - Seal Folk

(Generated 20 times)
Namelist Celt males and females (View names)
Rank Skilled
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes Appearance: Beautiful humans in seal skins. Habitat: Underwater homes; occasionally visit land. Personality: Males court human women; females dance on land but can be bound by stealing their seal skin. Powers: Transform into seals; possible storm-summoning with their blood; potential alliance with merrows. Allergic to Iron Source : Bestiaire Faerique
STR 3d6
CON 2d6+6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 2d6+13
INT 2d6+13
POW 2d6+11
CHA 2d6+11
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 0
04-06 Left leg 0
07-09 Abdomen 0
10-12 Chest 0
13-15 Right arm 0
16-18 Left arm 0
19-20 Head 0
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Faerie Resistance*** Faeries with this capability take only half the damage from natural weapons or materials other than iron. Additionally, the difficulty of their magical resistance tests decreases by one level.
Ability ***Faerie Magic*** the Folk Magic percentage. One turn is enough to cast a power or spell. Faeries don't need to speak or perform gestures to cast a power or spell. *Magnitude:* By default, all powers and spells cast with the Faerie Magic skill have a *magnitude of 4*. *Permanent:* The effect lasts until the power's target is killed or destroyed, or the power is dispelled *Zone:* The power affects all targets within the specified radius. Faerie powers operating at a distance don't use the At a *Distance* trait; they can be cast as long as the target is in the faerie's *line of sight*. This is specified in the descriptions. *Recovery:* Faeries recover their magic points autonomously (page 112 of Mythras) at a rate of 1 point per hour. Source: Bestiaire Faerique
Ability ***Allergy*** If exposed to the substance it suffers 1d6 damage per Combat Round to those locations in contact. Worn armour blocks if not fully drenched , natural protection does not.
Faerie Magic ***Faerie Metamorphosis*** Contact, Duration (one day), 5 MP, Resistance (Will) The faerie transforms its physical body or that of the targeted creature into that of another species. An unwilling target creature gets a resistance roll. Source: Bestiaire Faerique
Faerie Magic ***Faerie Illusion*** Concentration, Zone (radius of 10 m2), Resistance (Will), 6 MP To create a convincing illusion, the faerie alters the sensory projections of all or part of either the affected area or the creatures within. The illusion can involve all five senses, but it only works on a creature if it is entirely within the zone and fails its resistance test. Source: Bestiaire Faerique
Faerie Magic ***Faerie Teleportation*** Instant, 2 MP The faerie can teleport instantly to another location in its line of sight, provided it's not already occupied by an object or creature. It can teleport up high, but falls if it can't fly. Source: Bestiaire Faerique

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+2d10 Brawn STR+SIZ+1d2 Conceal DEX+POW+2d10+15
Dance DEX+CHA+2d10+30 Deceit INT+CHA+1d10 Endurance CON+CON+8d10
Evade DEX+DEX+5d10 Insight INT+POW+5d10+6 Perception INT+POW+5d10+15
Stealth DEX+INT+4d10 Swim STR+CON+1d10+70 Unarmed STR+DEX+1d4
Willpower POW+POW+2d10+12

Magic skills

Folk Magic POW+CHA+6d10

Professional skills

Survival CON+POW+4d10

Custom skills

Passion: Frolicking with human women (male) POW+POW+2d10+52 Passion: Dancing in the moonlight (female) POW+POW+2d10+52

Combat styles


Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 0
Bite (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Bite 1h-melee 1d6 M T - Grip,Bleed Y Y 0 0

Folk spells

Amount: 3
SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   SpellProb.   
Breath 1 Mobility 1 Translate 1