List | Feature |
Ability |
***Allergy*** If exposed to the substance it suffers 1d6 damage per Combat Round to those locations in contact. Worn armour blocks if not fully drenched , natural protection does not. |
Ability |
***Faerie Resistance***
Faeries with this capability take only half the damage from natural weapons or materials other than iron. Additionally, the difficulty of their magical resistance tests decreases by one level. |
Ability |
***Amphibious*** Can breathe both underwater and on dry land |
Ability |
***Faerie Magic*** the Folk Magic percentage. One turn is enough to cast a power or spell. Faeries don't need to speak or perform gestures to cast a power or spell. *Magnitude:* By default, all powers and spells cast with the Faerie Magic skill have a *magnitude of 4*.
*Permanent:* The effect lasts until the power's target is killed or destroyed, or the power is dispelled
*Zone:* The power affects all targets within the specified radius.
Faerie powers operating at a distance don't use the At a *Distance* trait; they can be cast as long as the target is in the faerie's *line of sight*. This is specified in the descriptions.
*Recovery:* Faeries recover their magic points autonomously (page 112 of Mythras) at a rate of 1 point per hour.
Source: Bestiaire Faerique |
Faerie Magic |
***Faerie Metamorphosis***
Contact, Duration (one day), 5 MP, Resistance (Will)
The faerie transforms its physical body or that of the targeted creature into that of another species. An unwilling target creature gets a resistance roll.
Source: Bestiaire Faerique |