Cow Hammer boys

(Generated 300 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Human
Cult rank None
Notes A brigand has no sense of mercy, and is happy to kill for a handful of silver. Brigands waylay caravans, create illegal turnpikes on roads to collect tolls from travellers, attack noisy camps at night, and harass villages for protection money. They are easily routed but carry a grudge and remain a recurring problem until imprisoned or killed. Many brigands are former soldiers who lacked the discipline to stay in the military or a mercenary company, and may even be deserters from a local or invading army. They rarely use group tactics, and form into gangs under the toughest member of the group, typically a grizzled mercenary. During Combat The warrior snipes with arrows until her foes are close, then uses her sword. She hurls thunderstones at spellcasters, and tanglefoot bags at foes wearing heavy armor. potion of cure light wounds, tanglefoot bags (2), 5 masterworked arrows, thunderstone (2); Other Gear leather armour, longsword, longbow with 20 arrows, 4 gp and 8 sp. sap,(any blow from surprise to the head that causes a serious would will instead knock target to 1 HP and cause immediate unconsciousness). tanglefoot bag A small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged attack with a range increment of 5/10/20), the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a –10 penalty on attack rolls and a –1 shift on balance manoeuvres and must make an Evade roll (with -1 shift) or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. larger creatures(SIZ 20+) are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make an evade roll or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a (-2 shift Brawn roll or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make concentration check as if the had suffered a minor injury or be unable to cast the spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately. Thunderstone You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range of 5/10/20) feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang, each creature within a 3 m (10 foot)radius spread must make a hard Endurance save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a –4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don’t need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular area but the target can make an opposed evade to avoid the effects. All have weapon specialisation bow and agile defender. Point-Blank Shot (Combat) You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets. You get a +5 bonus on attack roll and +1 damage rolls with ranged weapons at point black range.
STR 3d5+3
CON 3d6
SIZ 2d6+6
DEX 3d5+3
INT 2d6+6
POW 3d6
CHA 3d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 2
04-06 Left leg 2
07-09 Abdomen 2
10-12 Chest 2
13-15 Right arm 2
16-18 Left arm 2
19-20 Head 2
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+30 Brawn STR+SIZ+30 Endurance CON+CON+20
Evade DEX+DEX+30 Influence CHA+CHA+25 Perception INT+POW+25
Stealth DEX+INT+35 Unarmed STR+DEX+30 Willpower POW+POW+15

Custom skills

Sleight INT+DEX+20 Streetwise INT+POW+30

Combat styles


Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 3
Longsword (1)
Sap (1)
Warhammer (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1
longsword (1)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1
Long bow (1)


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Sap 1h-melee 1d3+2 S S - Stun location Y N 2 4
longsword 2h-melee 1d10 L L - Bleed, impale, sunder Y N 6 12
Warhammer 1h-melee 1d8+1 M M - Stun location Y N 3 8