Scitalis - Fiery Desert Snake

(Generated 12 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Snake, Poisonous
Cult rank None
Notes scitalis is a large snake resembling a viper. Unlike most other snakes, it moves only slowly and will not even attempt to pursue a creature that flees from it. However, its body generates an internal heat that causes the scales along its back to glow in a remarkable iridescent display. Armour - burning scales The flashing hypnotic scales of a scitalis have the same effect as a Befuddle spell to any living creature that can see them and fails the WillPower vs Willpower An intended victim who passes this roll once is immune to the effect for the remainder of the encounter. The scales are also burning hot and cause 1 point of damage to anyone touching them; armour (other than natural armour provided by bare skin) protects against this in the usual way. Source: Anaxial's Manifest
STR 2d6+3
CON 3d6
SIZ 2d6+3
DEX 2d6
INT 1d6
POW 3d6+6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-06 Tail 1
07-14 Body 1
15-20 Head 1
Movement 4
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Basic Poison Agony. Condition: Victim is hindered by intense pain. Whether in a location or the entire body, any skill roll involving use of the affected area must also be less or equal to the character’s Willpower, otherwise the attempt fails and they moan or scream in pain.
Ability ***Venomous*** Has a venomous attack. May use Inject Venom Special effect

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX Brawn STR+SIZ Endurance CON+CON+1d10+30
Evade DEX+DEX+1d10 Perception INT+POW+2d10+30 Stealth DEX+INT+2d10+50
Willpower POW+POW

Combat styles

Bite(Inject Venom)STR+DEX+2d10+20

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1
Bite (inject Venom) (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Bite (inject Venom) 1h-melee 1d3 M M - Grip Y Y 1 3 Head