Voormis Warrior
(Generated 43 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | Cthulhu Weird of hali
Rank | Veteran |
Race | Human |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | "Voormis are bipedal, with short legs, long arms, and skins covered with yellow umber fur, which is thickest on the head and along the spine. They stand and walk in a half-crouch. Their eyes are large and pale, and they can see in total darkness. Voormis of both sexes wear loincloths, and those who have earned a certain level of honor according to the intricate rules of voormi society also wear open sleeveless vests embroidered in bright colors. Voormi culture prizes the warrior virtues, and voormis are espe- cially known for lethal skill with their hooked war-knives. " Weird of Hali pg 125 |
Creator | hkokko |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Ability | ***Night Sight*** Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness.(Mythras Core 214-218) |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+6d10 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+4d10 | Deceit | INT+CHA+6d10 |
Endurance | CON+CON+2d10 | Evade | DEX+DEX+8d10 | Perception | INT+POW+3d10+30 |
Unarmed | STR+DEX+6d10 | Willpower | POW+POW+6d10 |
Magic skills
Folk Magic | POW+CHA+8d10 |
Custom skills
Witchcraft | POW+CHA+8d10 | Loyalty to Clan | 90 | Hate Enemies | 90 |
Combat styles
Voormi Warrior | STR+DEX+5d10+30 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 2
2-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
Ranged weaponsAmount: 2
ShieldsAmount: 0 |
Custom weapons
Name | Type | Damage | Size | Reach | Range | SpecialFX | Dam. mod. |
Natural weapon |
AP | HP |
War Knife | 1h-melee | 1d6 | S | S | - | None | Y | N | 6 | 8 |