Orc, Brute

(Generated 149 times)
Namelist None
Rank Skilled
Race Goblin
Cult rank None
Notes The Brute are the Orcs of the middle of the social standing, they are "recruited" by the stronger lads in raids. Orcs are large creatures with long arms and short legs, huge slabs of muscle move under tough green skin, and their jaws are lined with vicious fangs that jut out from their underbite. They have beady red eyes, a generally foul demeanor, and are naturally bald. Normally six feet tall, they are up to seven feet tall when stretched out of their characteristic stoop. They respect power and strength, and naturally tend towards becoming bigger and stronger as they rise through their society. While they lack the education of more advanced races, Orcs possess immense cunning and are quick learners, but rarely adopt new tactics to replace their fondness for close quarters brutality. The Orcs have a physiology more akin to fungi than animal. The spontaneous physical division to the release of windblown spores days after death. Putting the creature under fire immediately after death, seems to be the only viable and economical method of control. No matter where they are encountered or in what numbers, the Orcs are a deadly threat that will multiply exponentially if left unchecked. In a matter of weeks what began as a small raiding party can swell -- as if by some arcane alchemy -- into a roiling, anarchic horde bent upon war and destruction.
STR 2d6+8
CON 3d6+3
SIZ 2d6+8
DEX 2d6+6
INT 1d6+10
POW 2d6
CHA 1d6
D20Hit locationArmor
01-03 Right leg 1d3+1
04-06 Left leg 1d3+1
07-09 Abdomen 1d3+2
10-12 Chest 1d3+2
13-15 Right Arm 1d3+1
16-18 Left Arm 1d3+1
19-20 Head 1d3+2
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Night Sight*** Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness.(Mythras Core 214-218)
Combat Style Trait- Close Combat ***Berserker*** The style emphasises entering into a violent frenzy where personal safety and pain are disregarded. At the beginning of a fight, or upon taking an injury, a berserker may attempt to roll his POW x5 to enter a frenzy. When in a frenzy: - Damage modifier is increased by one step. - Parrying or Evading attacks are one step more difficult. - Endurance rolls for resisting the effects of injury are one step easier. - Effects of Fatigue are ignored. After the fight any deferred Fatigue levels plus one additional level are applied."""

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX+30 Brawn STR+SIZ+40 Deceit INT+CHA+20
Endurance CON+CON+40 Evade DEX+DEX+40 Insight INT+POW+20
Perception INT+POW+30 Unarmed STR+DEX+30 Willpower POW+POW+10

Combat styles

Orc BruteSTR+DEX+40

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 1d2
Battleaxe (20)
Dagger (2)
Falchion (10)
Knife (2)
Mace (10)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 1d2-1
Great axe (10)
Great Club (10)
Military flail (10)

Ranged weapons

Amount: 1d2-1
Hatchet (10)
Short Bow (2)
Sling (10)


Amount: 1
Buckler Shield (1)
Target Shield (1)

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Custom weapon submit 0 M M - Y N 0 0