Warhammer Basilisk Template 10114

(Generated 14 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Warhammer Basilisk
Cult rank None
Notes Gaze Attack (Petrifying), Immunity (Poisons), Trample, Venomous
STR 3d6+6
CON 3d6+6
SIZ 2d6+27
DEX 2d6+6
INT 3d6
POW 2d6+3
D20Hit locationArmor
01-02 Tail 3
03 Right Rear Leg 3
04 Left Rear Leg 3
05 Right Mid Rear Leg 3
06 Left Mid Rear Leg 3
07-08 Hindquarters 3
09-10 Right Mid Fore Leg 3
11-12 Right Mid Fore Leg 3
13-14 Right Fore Leg 3
15-16 Left Fore Leg 3
17-18 Forequarters 3
19-20 Head 3
Movement 10
Natural armor Yes

Non-random features

Ability ***Venomous*** Has a venomous attack. May use Inject Venom Special effect
Ability ***Gaze Attack*** Gaze may be active (the creature must consciously spend an Action Point on its turn to use it on a foe) or passive (anyone looking at the creature is affected)
Ability ***Immunity to poison*** The creature is immune to all poisons. All creatures without SIZ automatically have this Trait, although it is not specifically listed in their descriptions.
Ability ***Terrifying*** Unopposed Willpower roll. Success -- - shaken for one round and cannot act offensively. Failure - flee in terror. Fumble collapse unconscious from the shock. Critical success - act unhindered. Once per encounter.

Standard skills

Athletics STR+DEX Brawn STR+SIZ Endurance CON+CON
Evade DEX+DEX Perception INT+POW Unarmed STR+DEX
Willpower POW+POW

Combat styles

Primary Combat StyleSTR+DEX

Weapon options

1-handed weapons

Amount: 4
Claw (1)
Bite (1)
Tail (1)
Trample (1)

2-handed weapons

Amount: 0

Ranged weapons

Amount: 0


Amount: 0

Custom weapons

Name Type Damage Size Reach Range SpecialFX Dam.
Claw 1h-melee 1d10+6 H M - Bleed, Bash Y Y 0 0 As Leg
Bite 1h-melee 1d10+6 H M - Bleed, Grip, Impale Y Y 0 0 As Head
Tail 1h-melee 1d12+6 E L - Bash Y Y 0 0 As Tail
Trample 1h-melee 1d12+6 E L - Y Y 0 0 As Legs