Roman Harpy
(Generated 32 times)
Namelist | None |
Tags | Fantasy Flying Mythic rome
Rank | Veteran |
Race | Harpy |
Cult rank | None |
Notes | Whoever eats food spoiled by a harpy or is wounded by one is exposed to Typhoid Mythic Rome 159 |
Creator | hkokko |
Non-random features
List | Feature |
Ability | ***Diving Strike*** Increases both the Size of the attack and the creature’s Damage Modifier by one step, for this attack only. Once per round. Must be at least one full round of Movement above its target (or possibly below if submerged) in order to use the diving strike. |
Ability | ***Flyer*** May substitute the Fly skill for Evade whilst fighting aloft. Only rolls Fly skill when attempting unusually difficult task |
Ability | ***Immunity to disease*** |
Disease | ***Typhoid*** - Application: Ingestion (drinking tainted water). Potency: 50 Resistance: Endurance Onset Time: 1d4 weeks Duration: 3 weeks. Spirit Intensity required: 3 Condition & Effects: Exhaustion, Fever & Hallucinations, Death. During the first week, the character suffers a slowly rising temperature, a gen- eral feeling of weakness, headaches and a cough. During this time the character suffers an extra level of Fatigue, atop any they are currently suffering from. In the second week the character becomes prostrate from the high fever and experiences frequent (green coloured) diarrhoea. If this was not bad enough, they also suffer from delirium, which can become violent. The third week is the most dangerous point, where the patient suffers intestinal bleeding and potential heart failure. They are rendered help- less and must succeed an unopposed Endurance roll or die at the end of the week. |
Standard skills
Athletics | STR+DEX+4D10 | Brawn | STR+SIZ+4D10 | Deceit | INT+CHA+20+4D10 |
Endurance | CON+CON+6D10 | Evade | DEX+DEX+4D10 | Perception | INT+POW+8D10 |
Unarmed | STR+DEX | Willpower | POW+POW+8D10 |
Custom skills
Flying | STR+DEX+6d10 |
Combat styles
Snatch And Grab | STR+DEX+8D10 |
Weapon options
1-handed weaponsAmount: 1
2-handed weaponsAmount: 0 |
Ranged weaponsAmount: 0 |
ShieldsAmount: 0 |
Custom weapons
Name | Type | Damage | Size | Reach | Range | SpecialFX | Dam. mod. |
Natural weapon |
AP | HP |
Claw | 1h-melee | 1d4 | M | M | - | N | N | 1 | 5 |