Samanu - Red Locust

(Generated 12 times)
Namelist None
Mythic babylon
Rank Veteran
Race Spirit
Cult rank None
Notes When such a demon comes across something terrible, something awful and sensitive, perhaps something kept secret or waiting for the right time, it is compelled to act. The demon possesses a victim who knows the news and compels that person to spread it – even to distant cities – by imbuing them with a Passion. Once the news has been spread to 1d6 people in different locations, the Bad News Demon releases its chosen conduit from his or her compulsion and lurks once more, waiting for another opportunity. Passion (Spread bad news and malicious gossip). The Passion to spread the bad news is equal to the Demon’s Willpower and lasts for as long as it possesses the victim. The above times and situations indicate when the passion takes hold. At these times the one possessed must make an opposed Willpower test to resist succumbing to the bad news urge.
INT 2d6
POW 1d6+6
CHA 2d6
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor Yes

Additional features

Bad News Demon 100% View items

Non-random features

Ability ***Bad Omen*** Encountering a creature with the Bad Omen ability results an immediate temporary loss of 1d4 purity.
Ability ***Passion*** Increase all relevant skills by one grade per 2 points of intensity when the passion is relevant in situation. For example Hate Darjeeni Usurpers spirit provides skill increase only when both parts of the name exist at the same time ("Hate") and "Darjeeni Usurper"

Standard skills

Spectral combat POW+CHA+50 Willpower POW+POW+50